WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is raising user fees by up to 650% to account for higher costs linked to staff salaries, inflation, and an electronic filing upgrade.
In a Federal Register notice published Tuesday, the FMC acknowledged the increases. The agency noted that when fees were last updated in 2020, they used FY2019 data, including 2019 staff salaries.
The most significant increase is for Ocean Transportation Intermediary (OTI) applications. New licenses have risen 422%, from $250 to $1,304. Changes to existing licenses increased by 654%, from $125 to $943.
“Although the 2022 update to user fees occurs two years later,” the FMC stated, “the Commission is using FY2022 salary and cost data to provide a precise estimate of user fees.” The three-year gap has caused significant increases, along with inflation, which raised salaries and overhead. Most increases over 10% reflect these updated costs.”
Transition to Electronic Application Process
When it updated user fees in 2020, the FMC was transitioning from a paper to an electronic application process for OTI applications. The agency has since completed this transition and now adjusts fees to reflect the true cost of service.
Fees for “rules of practice and procedure,” including formal complaints and small claims, are increasing. Filing a formal complaint will now cost $387, up 34% from $288. The fee for informal small claims has risen by 57%, from $112 to $176.
Higher Costs for Appeals and Refund Requests
All claims for relief or other actions by the FMC, including appeals from commission staff, now require a $450 filing fee. This is a 47% increase from the previous $306 fee. A common carrier or shipper seeking permission to refund or waive part of freight charges must now pay a $187 fee, up from $115.
The only fees reduced since 2020 are for documents needing FMC certification and validation, down by 16% to $93. Applications for non-attorneys to practice before the FMC have decreased by 5% to $195.
Despite the increases, the FMC expects the fee adjustments to be uncontroversial. As a result, they determined that public notice and comment before the rule’s publication were unnecessary. The changes will take effect on June 5.
However, the FMC noted that “parties may have information that could impact the commission’s views” and will consider any comments filed. If significant adverse comments are received by April 20, the rule will be withdrawn by May 5.