While nearshoring to Mexico has been steadily increasing over the last decade, the pandemic and other recent global disruptions have accelerated the trend. According to a recent survey conducted by Gartner-owned consultant Capterra, approximately 88% of US-based small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) will restructure their supply chains to use suppliers...
Union Pacific and two unions reach sick leave agreements.
Union Pacific and two unions, the National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO) and the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, reached sick leave agreements over the weekend (BRC). The agreements will take effect on April 1, according to UP. They demand that the two unions be granted up to seven paid...
Buttigieg: Expect more federal rail safety regulation.
Federal officials and Democratic lawmakers are hinting that more freight railroad regulation is on the way as leaders investigate the rail safety procedures surrounding trains transporting hazardous materials. The federal investigation into rail safety comes as Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC), federal, state, and local officials, and the local community work...