Tenstreet gives drivers access to their own data.

An article by Tenstreet

As transportation-related technology evolves, industry participants are becoming more aware of the necessity of data security and transparency. After all, no one wants to be inundated with unsolicited texts.

Tenstreet has created a name for itself in the fields of recruitment, retention, and safety. The company’s array of products is intended to address a wide range of industry issues. As a result, they acquire a plethora of data. This is especially true for the company’s intelligent application service, which employs pre-population technology to allow drivers to effortlessly apply to numerous carriers without having to fill out multiple applications.

Tenstreet has been devoted to protecting drivers’ data from its inception, as proven by its data security policy.

“We recognize that carriers aren’t our sole stakeholders; we also have substantial responsibilities to drivers.” If drivers did not trust our platform with their personal data, they would not store it with us – and millions of drivers have chosen to save their data with us,” the policy states. “This trust allows us to pre-populate over 90% of experienced drivers’ applications, saving drivers hours of needless data entry and carriers thousands of dollars in advertising expenditures.”

Recently, the firm has taken steps to give drivers, even more, control over their data, allowing them to opt-out of communications from carriers to which they have already applied. The Application Transparency feature also allows you to see how and when a carrier acquired its information. Drivers, for example, frequently complete multi-carrier lead forms without fully understanding where their application data is going. They can now view these carriers and express their level of interest.

“Driver transparency is more crucial than ever,” said Tim Crawford, co-founder, and CEO of Tenstreet. “If a carrier has a list of people, they will contact them.” That is sometimes really welcome, but it can sometimes be a little disconcerting. We wanted to put the driver in charge.”

This new tool allows drivers more discretion over how carriers approach them, and it prevents both drivers and carriers from spending time in fruitless recruiting conversations. Companies can better spend their time and resources on possible future employees by removing uninterested drivers from their prospect list.

“I certainly don’t want to drive for you if I don’t want to get a text message from you,” Crawford added. “The sooner you know that as a carrier – and the better I can signal that as a driver – the easier everyone’s life will be.”

Tenstreet’s ultimate purpose is to improve communication between drivers and carriers, resulting in a better environment for both sides.

“The drivers that are the happiest are with the proper carrier,” Crawford explained. “By allowing drivers to give a clearer signal to carriers, carriers can focus their recruiting efforts on the drivers who do want to work for you.”

Over ten thousand drivers have already changed their communication options. Other drivers can use the Tenstreet Driver Pulse mobile app to do so.